Monday, November 20, 2017

Squirrel Hunting on Man Cat Monday

Hello everybody. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your trusty doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

I saw Fatty White-ears the squirrel this morning. He had the nerve to jump right up on the window birdie feeder! I barked him away. But he came back later to snitch seeds from the ground. 

I went out and did a thorough exploration for the Evil Squirrel Cartel footy-prints.

Pear tree and squirrel grand larceny staging area.

Woodpile chipmunk and mousie apartments and hawthorn tree (property of the Stodgy Robin Society.)

Stomping through ghostwriter's iris bed.

Sparrows Inc. stick pile conference center and party house.

Stinky squirrel tracks! Pffft! But no squirrels!


We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for this fast breaking news story.

I just found out that today is Man Cat Monday! Wow! I didn't know there was such a day! Well, my kitty cat cousins Tiberius and Hannibal are celebrating by sleeping.

Big sister Maddie cat (AKA The Kitten Overlord) is not putting up with slumbering man cats. 

Get up and catch something you lazy bums!

And no, Hannibal, a squeaky toy doesn't count!

Um, you know, all squeaky toys should be remanded to my custody for de-stuffing and squeaker removal. I'll be waiting. 

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.


  1. We had a brutally cold day yesterday so Mom put out bread crumbs, peanuts, birdseed and Captain Crunch (the critters love it). There was great pandemonium as squirrel wars erupted, rabbits steal attacked the bird seed, and birds were everywhere. It was great entertainment.

    Abby Lab

  2. Glad you're recognizing Mancat Monday - all you pups should acknowledge your rightful overlords.

    And dose skwerrils drive me nuts too.

  3. The squirrels are out of control around here, Chester. Mom says more squirrels live in this town than peeps! We loved watching the squirrel get soaked with the water balloon and get shot out of the leaf blower. haha

  4. Man cat Monday? When is it Most Beautiful Cat in the Whole Wide Universe Monday? Because I would like my own special day as well...

    Miss Oswin from Norway

  5. Chester when all else fails pee on the tree rats turf...let them know you are king in spite of what they think!
    Happy Man Cat day
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Whew...we are exhausted after watching you work so very hard, Chester! Great job keeping all those critters in line!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  7. Chester, you deserve a MAJOR Thanksgiving feast in reward fur your tireless yard patrols. Demand the drumstick!

  8. We are inundated with squirrels this year, Chester. We learn a lot from your techniques. We are going to try to put all those skills to practice.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. You did a great job getting rid of that squirrel. We may have to hire you

  10. Do you need us to come over and help with that squirrel?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  11. We just have Magpies no squirrels thank goodness
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. You sure have been busy keeping all those squirrels in line at your house. Those videos were funny.

  13. Hi Chester!
    I'm glad that you are giving your home land the right patrol protocols, I too have been busy on squirrel watch also, I can see you have been very busy marking your territory. It's Ernie's 12th Birthday today and I know that he has enjoyed you asking about him over the years, we all loved the videos, too funny! Have a great day, love and licks from Frank and Max XxxxxxX

  14. Dear Chester,

    Good job with the squirrels! Also, our ManCat slept right through ManCat Monday, so we renamed it GirlDogsAndReallyAllDogsAreTheBestDay. That sounds fair, right? Does that mean we get extra treats?


  15. I'm the destuffing and desqueakering guy around here.


    Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving. We are in Houston visiting our son, DIL and grandbaby. You should see the size of their squirrels!!

  17. Hi Chester! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mancat Monday is Ralphie and My FAVORITE day MOL! Great seeing you my friend!
