Good afternoon. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your introspective doggie correspondent Chester L. W. Spaniel.
It's time for a flowers and crawlies post. Now that Fall is here, ghostwriter doesn't have many flowers blooming. That's because she planted hardly any annuals. She says she just let grow whatever thrives on neglect.
Sedum |
Morning glory |
Moon flower |
Four o'clock |
Basil |
Hydrangea |
Garden Buddha with cherry tomatoes, salvia, and a milkweed leaf. |
There are lots of crane flies around. Although they look like spiders with their long, gangly legs, they are completely harmless.
There are stink bugs everywhere too! This kind is not native to North America and can cause damage to fruit crops.
In Autumn, they' re trying to get inside your warm house to spend the winter.
Don't freak out! This is just another type of stinky bug. Look at the pretty markings on its back. Ghostwriter researched, and found it's called a Western conifer seed bug.
I encountered this particular bug today, as it was still hanging around the shed, maybe because of the pine cones. I have to remind you doggies and kitties: they're called stink bugs for a reason!
Bleah! |
Aaachooo! |
I left the stinky bug to check out my wonderful cone flower jungle. They don't look very pretty this time of year. Ghostwriter doesn't cut them down because the little gold finches like to eat the seeds. Sometimes we see six or eight of them clinging to the prickly cones enjoying their supper.
Yup. I am proud to say I've been diligently watering my cone flowers all summer.
Oh, here's one more creepy crawlie. Ghostwriter was sitting in a chair in front of the garage when she saw this ant dragging a dead wasp around. She guesses the ants will have a feast if this one ever finds it's way home!
Which reminds me … um, what's for dinner today?