Hello. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your erudite doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.

I have several stories to report today, so let's get right to it!
First of all, I want to tell all my blogger friends about a brand new blog by the most adorable little pup named Toffee. Here's a link to his blog:
Being such a little pup, Toffee has a lot to learn, and I have plenty of wisdom to impart, especially regarding squeaky toys!
Here's lesson #1:
We hope to hear a lot more from this precocious pup!
Next, I'd like to announce that my ghostwriter will finally be going back to her normal three day a week work schedule this month. Wow, is she glad! Hopefully that means she will have more time for your's truly, and our good blogger friends!
In other news, we heard an awful, screeching commotion this afternoon.
We peeked out the window and saw an horrible sight: the grackles are back! Faithful fans will remember our yearly rants about grackles. They're notorious for bullying the other birdies, throwing big, blobby, slimy poops everywhere, and, of course, making a dissonant racket. Here's a picture of some big male grackles sitting in the top of the oak tree, squawking and shrieking, and puffing out their greasy, shiny feathers. I didn't catch the names of this bunch. But I'm sure they're related to some of the infamous mob that nested around here last year, like Stinky Guanomaker, Dropsy Dungflinger, and Poopsie McStagger.
Then the big grackle boss, Effluvium Scatterstool, perched in the pear tree, and glared at us with his beady white eyes as if promising that the Great Grackle Flying PTA (Poop Tossers Association) will be targeting our home and yard very soon.
Soon I shall poop on you too! |
Fortunately, members of the local Stodgy Robin Society were not too pleased to see him, and chased him away.
Harumph! |
Today we finally got some warmer weather. We here in WNY didn't get our hopes up yet. March usually has at least one or two more blizzards or ice storms to dump on us before winter finally leaves.
In the last few months, we've been taking pictures of some of the gigantic icicles that had formed on our house, and at the nursing home where ghostwriter works.

These look like creepy skeleton hands reaching down to grab that statue of the little boy on his bike in the nursing home garden.
Oma couldn't believe how big some of the icicles were this year, so a couple of the staff brought one in for her to see for herself. Wow! (Don't worry. They took it back outside!)
Speaking of icicles, here's a picture of one from a few years ago of icicles that formed right outside our front door. Ghostwriter named it Cthulu.
How the heck did we get from cute puppies to that scary monster? My ghostwriter must be crazy!