Hello everyone. This is The Daily Bone, Princess Edition, and we're your up-and-coming doggie reporters Rosie and Baby Spaniel.
As you can see, we just had a visit with our groomer, Ms. Jacquie. We got everything buzzed down. You can actually see our faces now! (We'll go back to our classic cocker spaniel style in the Fall when the weather gets cooler.)
We'd like to tell you about our ghostwriter's puzzling behavior lately. In our last report, we showed a picture on a 1000 piece puzzle she put together. We thought that would be enough for now. But then she got a few more puzzles and proceeded to put them together too. Although this takes time away from playing with us doggies, we can't blame her for wanting to do these. They all have beautiful pictures of doggies, kitties, and birdies too.
300 pieces |
1000 pieces (missing 1 piece) |
500 pieces |
1000 pieces (also missing 1 piece) |
OK. After finishing the last puzzle today, we thought she was finally through. But she went out and bought two more!
Maybe it's a conspiracy! |
We do have some other news to tell you, though. It's been raining almost every day for the last couple weeks. Some days, it rained all day. Other days, and nights too, it was just a brief shower and maybe a bit of thunder. One afternoon, we saw an awesome rainbow!
In response to these frequent deluges, our yard continues to host massive numbers of mushrooms!
We also have some pretty yellow flowers to show you.
You may remember that in our last report, we saw Mr. Bunny having a conference with Sparrows Inc. CEO Chip Chirpwell. It seems they reached an agreement. There are now daily conventions of sparrows visiting the birdie feeder, and singing praises to their CEO.
Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp! |
Today we saw Mr. Bunny taking his own fill of birdie seeds, while keeping this operative from the Evil Squirrel Cartel away.
Moving on to our next subject, last weekend, we found a huge and curious looking insect. It was hanging onto a leaf under the pussy willow bushes. We doggies have never seen anything like it! But ghostwriter explained it was a cicada that was just finished shedding it's skin.
We doggies were aghast about this! But ghostwriter then told us these insects are actually very common around here. In fact, they're the ones making that loud buzzy noise we've been hearing from the surrounding trees.
Wonders never cease!
GW here. Since I'm finally retired after 42 years of being a nurse, I decided to spend some time doing something I enjoyed a lot while growing up: making puzzles. This is a family predilection. My own mother loved nothing more than sitting at the table with everyone and putting together a beautiful puzzle!