Greetings loyal readers. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your earnest doggie reporter
Chester L. W. Spaniel.
She did it again! My ghostwriter worked until 3am last night and didn't get home until almost 4am. I'm worried she going to get brain damage from all that lack of sleep! But now she has two days off and nothing else planned, so that's good. In the meantime, I'm going to write The Daily Bone myself.
First of all, it's very steamy, windy, hot outside, kind of like standing in front of a hair dryer! Blah! Many of our beautiful flowers have finished blooming, but some nice new ones are starting to open.
Some pink roses and milkweed flowers.
Here's an update on the ducklings in the courtyard at Oma's nursing home.
They're getting bigger, and mama duck has been flying up to the roof to watch them. I bet she hopes that they'll soon grow their flight feathers and be able to fly away with her.
And now for the creepy crawly portion of my report.
No, they're not spiders!
These are box elder bugs. We saw the mature ones busily working on creating even more babies!
With a little research, we found out that they're completely harmless and are probably feeding on the big piles of silver maple seeds.
They may be harmless, but doggies and kitties beware: they can get really stinky if you mess with them!
Here's a quick check on what my kitty cat cousins have been doing.
Xerxes is waiting for attention. |
Tibie has a new house mate named Echo. |
Hello Echo! |
Maddie got groomed. She was not happy. |
And now it's time for the science geek portion of my post. These are some interesting clouds we saw a couple days ago. We're pretty sure these are called cirrocumulus strataformis undulatus.
I found a big article about clouds and put a link to it at the end of this post.
And since ghostwriter always has her head in the clouds, especially when she's sleep deprived, I thought this was an appropriate video:
I Woke Up as a Shlummutz
Here's that link to the clouds article: