Hello everybody. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your optimistic doggie reporter
Chester L. W. Spaniel.
I know ghostwriter and I have been complaining a lot about the grackles around here for the past couple weeks. Hopefully the bombardment of our cars with their big yucky poops will finally cease now that all the babies have left the nests. They're still dive-bombing me and calling me all kinds of HBO words whenever I'm out in the back yard, but soon they'll be moving on.
Ballard Street
Today we saw that the baby robins have left their nests too. This one was sitting right outside ghostwriter's office window!
She saw him again later in the maple tree before he took off flying to the roof, and then on to the neighbor's yard. We're not going to worry about this one. He'll be all right.
I'll be sure to report if any of these birdies decide to try to bring up another brood this spring.
To change the subject now, I have a lot of friends who are kitty cats. Plus I have two kitty cat cousins, Maddie (aka TKO short for The Kitten Overlord) and Tibie (aka Tiberius.) They live with their Joanna human (aka Sibling #2 of 4.)
Maddie |
Tibie |
Maddie cat lived at my house for a while. Usually I kept my distance, or else she'd hiss and punch me in the nose. But we did forge a peace treaty when it came to watching birdies and squirrels out the window.
Maddie and Tibie aren't the best of friends even though they share the same abode now.
He's behind me, isn't he. Sigh. |
But they try to get along. Sometimes they help with the housework.
They both agree that the red dot must be conquered.
And Maddie even gave Tibie a special Christmas present once: his very own fort!
But I digress.
The real reason I'm telling you about my kitty cat cousins is because I found a few funny comics about cats, and I hope my kitty cat friends will forgive me for sharing them.
Breaking Cat News
Simon's Cat
Hehehehe! |
Well, that's my report for today. I have to go back to spying on the birdies and squirrels now.