Friday, September 11, 2015

Never Forget

Hello friends and fans everywhere. This is a special edition of The Daily Bone. I'm your patriotic doggie reporter Chester L. W Spaniel along with my steadfast associate Joseph (Joey dog) Spaniel. Today, we are remembering September 11 2001. 

First of all we'd like to take a moment and remember all the doggies and their families who had a loved one that didn't come home that day. 

Never forget.

You may have met our good friend Angus in past TDBs.

His human is our Auntie Linda, and she was in New York City when the Twin Towers fell. Here is what she remembers: 

Will never forget my first day of work on Sept. 11, 2001, seeing the first plane hit, 8:46 am, as we drove into the city. Standing out on the street watching the towers burn in utter horror. Run when they fell, the air filled with smoke and particles of ash and burning metal. Watching my new boss drop to his knees in the street and sob … while feeling … it could not be really happening, it just could not. Like so many others, it was one of the most emotional, horrifically heartbreaking weeks of my life, I will always remember.


  1. Our Dad too was there in NYC that fateful day, only a couple of blocks from the towers. It was a horrible time for so many. We are crossing our paws and bowing our heads in tribute to all who lost in some way that day - they are all our heroes.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  2. We will never forget that horrific day.
