Friday, July 14, 2023

Princess Days and Pink Flowers

Hi everyone! This is The Daily Bone, Princess Edition, and we're your delightful doggie reporters Baby and Rosie Spaniel. 

Today we're sharing some pictures of us on a typical day, plus all the pretty pink flowers in our yard. So without further ado:

We've also observed some majestic clouds and a beautiful sunset.

Now, about us: 
We do a lot of zooming around in the back yard.

We play with our toys in the house.

And do a lot of sleeping.

GW here. Those two so-called princesses also do a lot of play fighting, especially bitey-face. Here are some of the bloopers taken while attempting to get that one nice picture you see at the beginning of this post. Don't worry, they're not hurting each other. But if they get too carried away, they have to go into their crates for time out, or else I send them outside to do some zooming to run off their excess energy. 

After raising four kids, we're quite used to sibling rivalry! 



  1. What pretty pink blooms you two Princesses have.
    OMDs I loved your zoomies and such precious photos of your inside
    The two of your sleeping and of your backs is A D O R A B L E.
    GW thank you for the update on the Baby and Rosie and the beautiful clouds
    Hugs cecilia

  2. Your pink flowers are all so gorgeous and so are the puffy clouds and sunset! We laughed at your bloopers☺

  3. You girls sure have lots of pretty pink flowers in your yard. We love seeing you two play and zoom around your yard. When we were younger, we did the same things. Now we just do them less often and not so fast. BOL!

  4. Thank you for sharing your wonderful flowers and fun filled life.

  5. Bloopers are always our favourite, so thanks for sharing. Your garden is beautiful! Lee and Phod

  6. Hi friends, Ojo here! Bitey-face is the best! Also, your Yard looks very green and perky! Mine is very droopy and brown from the Hot and Dry. Have fun zooming! Have fun playing! Have fun biting!

  7. You have the most gorgeous blooms!

    We LOVE to do the Bitey Face game, too...itt includes zoomies on the stairs and biteyface on the landing...the we tumble on to our nests and sleep...till biteyface games are in our dreams, and petcretary hears us except there is no thunderous noises involved, BOL!
