Good evening ladies and doggies, gentlemen and kitties. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your concerned doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.
This morning our humans got up early and Dad took my venerable colleague Joseph (Joey dog) Spaniel out to the car without any explanation. I barely got to see them go!
In the meantime, did I mention we had snow on the ground? Here's a picture ghostwriter took last night at midnight upon arriving home from work.
Here's what it looked like this morning:
I went out to look for my associate. Here's his favorite spot to sniff around.
Maybe he climbed over the wood pile! But I doubt it. He's not so adventurous any more.
Is he out here by the fence? This is his favorite barking spot. You can see the mail truck, and the garbage truck, and the school bus, and the neighbors go by.
As the day progressed, the sun came out and melted the snow.
Still no Joey dog!
I tried to take a nap on the couch with my tennis ball instead of with Joey dog.
But it just wasn't the same. So I went outside again and watched the silly geese flying around.
Then I went in and checked my email. There was plenty of new stuff. I received some good news from our friend Carol, that she has a new kitty at her house. Her name is Pixie and she was rescued from a shelter. Welcome to The Daily Bone Pixie! Have you seen Joey dog?
Hi. |
I also received word that our favorite miniature human, Ryan, got a lesson on gears. I'm sure he can put that data to good use when he builds his next intergalactic space ship! Is Joey dog there with you, Ryan?
No. |
I even got a picture from our kitty friend Tibi as he was working on his ABCs. Have you seen Joey dog, Tibi?
Ah … nope. |
How about you, Maddie? Have you seen Joey dog?
No doggies here! |
As the day wore on, the humans pretended nothing was amiss, and told me I had to pose for the yum yum shot of the day. I'm not very good at this! I can never sit still and food watch politely. That's Joey dog's gig!
Pot roast with gravy, egg noodles, and steamed vegetables. |
It started to get dark, and the moon came out. Maybe Joey dog went to visit Princess Leah on the other side of the Pond. I'd better give her a call on the moon phone.
It got really dark. Where is he? How is he going to find his way home?
Ghostwriter tried to entertain me with some funny comics.
Ballard Street
Take it From the Tinkersons
The Dogs of C-Kennel
Dog Eat Doug
This one doesn't have anything to do with doggies, but ghostwriter thought it was hilarious!
On a Claire Day
Hey wait a minute! I hear something in the garage! It was Joey dog! He wasn't in a mood for play.
He didn't even stop to talk. He went straight to the water bowl and drank LOTS of water. Oh, and he was all shaky and smelled like the vet.
Ghostwriter had made some special chicken and rice soup for him. He just licked up the broth and left the rest for me. How come you're not hungry Joey? Did you have a bad day?
He said he was stuck at the vet all day long. He had his teeth cleaned, and his chest x-rayed, and his toenails clipped, and his ears cleaned! That sounds horrendous!
Well, at least things can go back to normal now! Harumph!
Wait a minute. Did I leave the moon phone off the hook????
… Chester, are you still there? It's me, Leah. What's going on? Hello? Hello?