Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Boring Phone Call

Hello fellow bloggers. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your dedicated doggie reporter 
Chester L. W. Spaniel.

It seems history has a way of repeating itself. For example, I'm going to show you what I wrote in The Daily Bone way back in 2013 regarding government spying on USA citizens. I think you'll find it funny. 

The NSA is collecting your phone calls in order to screen out possible terrorist activity. Some people think this is an invasion of privacy. I'm of two minds about this. First, now that the terrorists know this, they'll find other means of communicating. Second, I can't think of anything more boring than listening to billions of phone calls! In fact, maybe they should start using them as a form of torture. Imagine how fast a would-be terrorist would spill his guts if he had to listen to your phone calls for hours and hours! To prove my point, you can listen in on my next phone call to my esteemed colleague, Special Agent Joseph (Joey dog) Spaniel, and here it is:

bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark woof woof woof bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark evil squirrels woof woof woof woof woof bark bark bark bark woof woof bark bark bark bark bark stealing birdie seeds bark bark woof woof bark woof bark bark bark bark bark bark woof woof woof woof woof woof woof bark bark constant surveillance bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark high speed chase bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark spray them with the hose woof woof woof woof woof woof woof bark bark woof woof bark bark bark bark bark and yum yum patrol at five sharp bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark how about that crummy weather we've had lately bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof  woof  woof leftover fish in our doggie bowls woof woof woof woof mashed potatoes and corn bark bark bark bark bark bark bark squeaky toys bark bark bark woof woof woof woof bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark OK bye.

Wow! That was so boring I fell asleep! 

Fast forward to 2017. Now people are saying the government is watching you through your computer, television, cell phone, and other electronic devices, even the microwave! Yipes! Whatever will they see? Ghostwriter is blowing her nose in a kleenex, and listening to Russian pop music on her computer. Oh  my! Dad is sorting through a bunch of pennies and watching a Chinese crime scene investigation series with subtitles on Netflix. How suspicious! Now, be honest, how many of you out there read your text messages while sitting on the pot? Multi-tasking, or toxic gas warfare? And the microwave will be constantly monitoring the fruit bowl on the counter for terrorist activity! Whoa, look out! Commando tomatoes and a suicide apple! Bwahahahahaha! 

Instead of wondering about whether the government is watching you clean your ear with a q-tip, or chew a hangnail in front of the computer screen, relax and watch this hilarious video for a while. It'll get your mind off those worrisome things. 

Oh, if you're really daring, go to youtube and type in "ello" to find all that Russian pop music. The CIA, the FBI, and the NSA will be knocking on your door within minutes! 


  1. OMD Chester you NAILED this one fur SURE... We gave up on Joey Dog's Call after SPRAY THEM WITH the HOSE. Just sayin. JUST SAYIN.

  2. BOLOLOLOL - Mom says this was just GREAT!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. Chester you are cracking us up. We loved the video too.

  4. Crikey Chester ..... you're hilarious, mate!!

  5. SQUEAKY TOYS!!!!! Yuppers, agree with you on that one Angel Joey Dog!! Oh, I don't thinks anyone would want to see what Ma does day in and day out.....snooooooze
    Ruby ♥

  6. BOL!! BOL!! Mimi says they can watch us all they want. At the moment we have a little white dog on the computer, a giant orange cat who thinks he's a lion and is playing with a catnip sardine, a young man eating pancakes and a woman looking fur her lost socks.
    Your Furend,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  7. Oh butt…..do you finks they listen in to our Moon Phone Calls Chester??????
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. You are too funny, Chester☺

  9. You better keep an eye on your dad if he starts speaking Chinese
    Lily & Edward

  10. MOLMOLMOLMOL............if they are watching us they will die of boredom...I nap most of the day...then about 3ish the fun starts. I start cussin' like a drunken sailor wantin' my supper.
    Then once fed...you stir well and repeat the day's events
    Hugs madi your bff

  11. I never trusted my microwave! LOL!

  12. BOL Chester! A spy would think his video was broken at our house! Our days are just like Madi's! Sleep, walk, eat, stir and repeat! BOLBOLBOL!!!!

  13. Well, gee, if the gvt wants to spy on us, Jan says she hopes they listened to her when she was sick for those four weeks with so much congestion. That would have kept them awake! But your idea is good too - bore them!

  14. hahahahaha!!! Thank you for brighten our dark chilly rainy day!

    Momo & Pinot xo

  15. This sure made petcretary giggle and giggle...while I had a sleep, the sleep of the ho-hum she's at it again, BOL!!!
