Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trip To Outer Space

Hello fellow concerned readers. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your worried doggie reporter 
Chester L. W. Spaniel.  

I just found out that my favorite miniature human, Ryan, is going on a trip to outer space! 

Apparently these are the devices he and his parents will use once he gets there. I have no idea what they are, but they look kind of suspicious to me. 


Monday, January 30, 2017

Squirrels And Blizzards

Greetings fellow doggies. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your proficient doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

As you doggies know, the Evil Squirrel Cartel is always up to no good. However, since we've had such a mild winter around here so far, I really haven't seen very much of them. 

Besides, I think one of our neighbors is feeding them. Ghostwriter found another half-chewed up pizza crust in the yard.

Can you imagine that??? 

So I decided to put up a few of my favorite squirrel comics for your amusement …

Dogs of C-Kennel


… or indignation! 

The Other coast

In other news, as you can see, we've had a bit of snow. It's supposed to snow all week. 

I would like it if we had lots and lots of snow, like the legendary Blizzard of '77 which ghostwriter remembers vividly. (Don't tell her it was 40 years ago!)

Well, maybe not THAT much snow. But I'd love to see this happen: 


If you want to know more about the Blizzard of '77 in Western NY, please check out this video. Ghostwriter remembers how odd it was to have a blizzard with thunder and lightning too.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Yum Yum Saturday

Greetings fellow foodies! This is The Daily Bone Yum Yum Saturday Edition and I'm your hungry doggie host Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

We had a wonderful dinner last Sunday with lots of delicious food! Pork shoulder roast with Jamaican jerk seasoning, mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, black beans, and rice. 

Let's get a closer look at that pork roast: 


Ghostwriter took an entire jar of Tropical Pepper Company Island Jerk Seasoning, slathered it over the roast, and let it marinate for a few days in the fridge. Then she slow roasted it at 250º uncovered, for almost 8 hours! The spice mix got all blackened, but the meat was melt-in-your-mouth tender. 

Look at this feast! 

The rest of the week was kind of ho hum. 

Spaghetti with sausage and green beans. 

Meatloaf, baked potato, and green beans. Yes, we had green beans almost every day. Ghostwriter loves green beans. Dad made sandwiches with the leftover pork roast and barbecue sauce for himself when ghostwriter was working, but he didn't take any pictures. Below is some extra delicious teriyaki salmon, Nishiki rice, and steamed vegetables. 

And now, here are this week's food and doggie comics:

Dog Eat Doug

Red and Rover

(I always get the last bite from ghostwriter's plate.) 

Here's a picture of our angel Joey dog, to whom we dedicate our Saturday Yum Yum posts, doing some professional food watching last year: 

Barbecued ribs, corn bread, and salad. Heavenly!

Hope you have a good and delicious week. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

An Educated Doggie

Hello. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your perplexed doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.

I've had a hard time learning what is a squeaky toy and what isn't a squeaky toy. Indeed, the humans have a vast array of things that would qualify as squeaky toys in my mind, but aren't squeaky toys in their minds. On top of that list is ghostwriter's dollies. You see, there is a part of this toy that looks very fuzzy and squeaky toy-like. But if I touch it, I'll get into big trouble!  

Then there's this:

It's not a squeaky toy, but I won't get in as much trouble if I stole it and played keep-away with it, as I would if I stole one of these:

I have also learned that I should leave the birdies who visit our birdie feeder alone. 

Even though this birdie is kind of the same color as this squeaky toy, I know I shouldn't bark at it. 

I even know how to tell the birdies apart! For example, this is a mourning dove:

Sometimes I'll find these doves hiding in the bushes around my yard. I might startle them and they'll fly away (and they make such a wonderful squeaky sound when they fly!) but I won't chase them and try to catch one. However, it's OK to catch one of these noisy old bully grackles:

I know not to bark at this guy:

But if something like this shows up, all bets are off!

I think I've learned a lot in my eight years as a doggie in this household.

This, however, has me totally confused!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Endangered Species Challenge

Hello. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your concerned doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

Our good friend Louis at louisdogslife.blogspot.com has been hosting an endangered Species Challenge. Although it's kind of late for an entry, I wanted to share one of my favorite videos about an endangered species. These delightful animals live in Himalayan Mountains, where they are threatened by poaching, and habitat loss. 

Please also check out  the Blogville Arts and Entertainment page to see more endangered species posts from our wonderful members: blogvillearts

Wikipedia happens to have a very good article about red pandas.


Dogs of C-Kennel

Well, that's a sobering thought!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Puppies Anyone?

This is a TDB special report. I'm your doggie commentator Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

We've been checking out this interesting site, puppyspot.com  and found this great diagram to share with all of my pet blogger friends. It's very important to consider many things when contemplating a new puppy. This diagram helps you to match a new pup with the type of doggie you might already have in your home. 

Ghostwriter says we might be thinking about getting a puppy next summer. We'll be sure to check puppyspot.com when we do! 

Gee, I never thought about becoming a big brother. 

I'm going to have a lot to think about! 

What will I teach the puppy first? 

Which yum yums are the best? How to food watch?

How to chase those evil squirrels? How to bark at the mail truck? 

Wow! It makes me tired just to think about it! Yawn! So much to teach! 

Maybe I'd better sleep on it. 


We interrupt this program for an important news flash. I'm your elated doggier reporter 
Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

It started to snow! Hooray! 

Ghostwriter was afraid we'd get an ice storm instead. When she got out of work last night, there was sleet and freezing rain coming down. But then this morning, it turned to snow! The weather forecast calls for more snow for the rest of this week. Wow! 

Hey, if we get a puppy, I'll have to teach him how to play in the snow! 


We now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress: