Hello. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your trusty doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.
My colleague Joseph (Joey dog) Spaniel sleeps almost all the time now. He's been peeing on the floor in the morning. We don't have any carpets in our house anyway, so it was an easy clean up.
But here's something I thought I'd never see: Joey dog won't eat! Ghostwriter tried offering him some of his home made doggie food, but he turned his nose up at it. Next, she made him a cheese burger with some ground meat, bread, and a slice of cheese. Now that's some yummy food!
But he didn't want that either!!! Even when ghostwriter sent me outside to chase that stinky little rotten seed-snarfing dastardly squeaky stripey chipmunk …
Aha! You can't hide because ghostwriter cut down the dead daisies! |
… Joey wouldn't eat.
As loyal readers will know, Joey dog is Doggie Chief Inspector, comestibles division, and founder of the Yum Yum Coalition. This is a bad sign. Ghostwriter says maybe his medications are giving him a stomach ache, and she will keep trying.
Ghostwriter offered Joey his cheeseburger again later, and he refused again. Then Dad put some peanut butter on a slice of bread for him. Joey ate about three bites, then had enough. Ghostwriter took a piece of chicken and boiled it with some rice.
Plain chicken and rice: ah, nope, nope, um, that's a negative.
With lots and lots of patience and encouragement, ghostwriter finally got him to eat a little of that chicken and rice. She says he probably has an upset stomach from the medicine.
This evening he was feeling a little better. He managed to get off the couch and find his way to the dinner table. He plopped himself down in his usual spot to do some food watching. Please try not to notice his left eye. It looks like that because his pupil is dilated from the eye drops and he has a cataract in his lens.
Ghostwriter and Dad gave him some steak and he ate it! They also poured the steak juice (unseasoned) from the serving platter into a little bowl for him to lap up. Then he went back to sleep.
I might as well take a nap too.
Please hope and pray that Joey dog will be all right because he still has to be carried outside to do his business and then carried back in and he gets all disoriented and stands in one place like he doesn't know what to do and we can feel his ribs and his hips and sometimes he pants for no reason and has a hard time pooping and has to take all that medicine and without him I'll be an only doggie …
And I hope he's not mad at me because ghostwriter gave me the cheese burger and I ate it all up.