Friday, June 1, 2018

A Proper Flower Friday

Hello everyone! This is The Daily Bone and I'm your doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.

The irises are blooming, and there are lots of them this year! 


For my next story I'd like to talk about the Blogville Memorial Day BBQ, Amusement Park, and Concert. Unfortunately ghostwriter had to work on Memorial Day. But I was able to sneak away and have some fun with my Blogville friends. 

Here I am sharing a puppachino ice cream cone with my dearest Princess Leah. Yummy! That's Hazel and Oreo on our left enjoying a strawberry ice cream cone. 

But soon after, we had to get into costume to perform at a concert as Diva Slippers and the Wizards! 

(I've been practicing my howling for months now!) 

Princess Leah did a special solo just for me! Isn't she lovely? 

To see all the fun, and hear the music, please go over to Madi's place: 

Abby Lab provided the most delicious cuisine any doggie or kitty could possibly want. Yum! Make sure you check it out here: 

Ruby had the Margarita truck loaded up with wonderful drinks! 

For more barbecue details, hop over to Arty, Jakey, and Rosy's doggie blog:

Madi hosted a blog hop as well. When you go to her site, please be sure to check out the links to other Blogville friends who had fun that day. I'd like to say a special thank you to everyone who made this event so great!

Here are a few more pictures of our beautiful irises:


  1. Love the variety of colors. Mom loves Iris in all colors and forms.

  2. We are amazed at how beautiful and how varied all your irises are - so very pretty!!!

    Timber and Lightning really enjoyed crooning along with you and Da Phenny!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. We so understand about busy Mom schedules but were so happy to see you at the Memorial Day festivities. Our Iris's aren't out yet but our weather has been really weird this year. Thanks for the beautiful flower fotos.

    Abby Lab

  4. OMD, Chester, those Iris are FABulous!!!! One of Ma's favorite blooms! (butts, she murders them, so I tells her not to buy any....☺) Oh, and we had SO MUCH FUNS at the Memorial Day celebration! And you sounded amazin', and your PL was the hit of the concert!
    Ruby ♥

  5. So many beautiful colors!! We were glad you were able to make it to the Memorial day fun
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. Your irises are evfur so lovely! We only have the heirloom variety of purple ones along with some yellow/brown ones and some white ones. Nothing nearly as fancy as yours:)
    But nevfurtheless they are pretty splashes of color. Its been wet and cool for the most part, so they like that. We did have a hot spell, but the rain helped...and now we are back to the 70's. Much better!

    You did have loads of fun at the gala of blogville events.
    Petcretary was off, but she didn't let me join in as she was busy getting ready to take a trip to see her she is back:)

  7. Your Irises are just gorgeous and you have every color!

  8. Dear Chester we are 200% sure GW and Dad are Iris whisperers. WE have never in all our combined senior years seen so many beautiful colors of gorgeous Irises!
    The Diva Slippers thank you for lending your wonderful vocal chords to the band
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  9. What a wonderfu selection of Iris's Chester!! We were ooo-ing and awww-ing at all the different colors!

    We had such a great time Memorial Day!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. First of all, your irises are spectacular! I will be planting some this fall for next year. Now, about the Blogville Bar-b-q...wasn't it the BEST!?!

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Look at the flowers! Are any of them peed on? That makes them even better - pretty AND smelly!! Also your Princess Leah looks lovely! I am more of a tom boy myself, but I can still appreciate her dress!

  12. Crikey Chester ..... those irises sure are beautiful, aye?? AND what a great time you all had on Memorial day.

  13. Those Iris are so frilly and colorful, thanks for sharing!

  14. Those flowers are so beautiful! Our mom especially loves the purple ones.

  15. Such beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing them and your other pictures too.

  16. I've nevfur been to a Blogville event, but they do look like fun! Your iris flowers are furry bootifur, and so many colors! I love your yard, full of adventure all year round!

  17. Beautiful flowers. Looks like you had a nice time Memorial Day. Sorry your ghostwriter had to work, though.
