Greetings friends and fans. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your diligent doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel.
In the last few weeks, we have not been filling up the birdie feeders so that those noisy, messy grackles would go away. But we felt sorry for the little chickadees and sparrows, so we put seeds into the window feeder. But now, an evil squirrel, named Einstein Dingaling has figured out how to jump up into it! Here's a picture of him sitting inside the window box feeder, helping himself to the birdie seeds:
Whenever my ghostwriter sees him, she raps on the window, and he goes flying out to the lawn below. You would think he'd take off towards the nearest big tree. But I think he's related to the notorious alias Twinkletoes, a very rude and obnoxious squirrel who was around a few years ago, and who insisted that we owed him a peanut butter sandwich. Anyway, rather than running away, Dingaling turns around and looks back at us as if to say, "OK, since I can't have the birdie seeds, then certainly you have something better to give me!"
How's about that peanut butter sandwich you owe my grampa? |
I usually have to go out and personally chase him away!
Scram! |
We finally removed all the rest of the birdie seeds and the suet cakes too. We haven't seen him in a few days now.
In other news, we've noticed a mourning dove flapping in and out of the yew bushes that are growing in front of our living room window. She was obviously busy with something. So yesterday my ghostwriter carefully looked through the bushes and found a nest with two eggs in it!
It seems like every year we get some kind of birdie nest in those bushes. Last year we had robins. In 2017 we had chipping sparrows. My local Sparrows Incorporated spokesbirdie, Winifred Seedcruncher, told me that the mourning dove in the yew bushes is one of Debbie Dove's grand nieces, and her name is Patricia Dove.
We'll be sure to keep you posted on Patricia Dove's nest.
Meanwhile, here are some other amazing things we found in our own yard simply by taking the time to look up, and look down.
If you would like to see some of our posts with pictures of birdies nesting in our yew bushes, and about those rude, idiotic squirrels, please go to these links:
Chipping Sparrow Nest
alias-twinkletoes (featuring good ol' Joey dog)
The Double Doggie Homeland Security System |