Thursday, August 3, 2023

We're Still Here!

Greetings friends and fans. This is The Daily Bone, Princess Edition, and I'm your diligent doggie reporter Baby Spaniel. 

My (twisted) sister and fellow reporter Rosie Spaniel is busy practicing her doggie yoga.

I know we've been away for the last week. But it was not because of us doggies! Our ghostwriter has been obsessed with making a puzzle. 

I seriously don't know what is so great about spending an entire week putting 1000 little pieces of cardboard together, other then it finally made a nice picture of some doggies. I, however have not been remiss of my reporting duties. I remembered to look up, look down, and look around to find amazing things right in my own back yard. So without further ado here is my report:

The bunny returned and held a business meeting with Sparrows Incorporated CEO Chip Chirpwell and his assistants. 

I have no idea what they were discussing, but I can guess it was about the quality of the seeds from the birdie feeder, and perhaps the fact that a member of the Evil Squirrel Cartel keeps showing up, stealing seeds while chasing the sparrows away.

Here is a photo of the very last pink lily in the garden.

There are several other types of flowers blooming, though.

We've had some spectacular sunsets and moon rises lately. 

This just in: 
Our ghostwriter is considering buying another puzzle! 

I guess I'll be taking a few lessons in doggie yoga from Rosie. 


  1. We feel your pain Baby. Our parents have been working on puzzles lately too! They finished a 2000 piece puzzle a few weeks ago that had a couple hundred little birdie pictures on it of all different species. The worst part was that two pieces were missing! BOL! That drove them than they already are! You sure found some fun things around your yard to show us. Maybe our parents can do a puzzle swap someday.

  2. Your blooms are gorgeous. Puzzles help humans calm down so they don't stress us out.

  3. We can see you are both becoming experts in doggie yoga. Ghostwriter is a very impressive (and patient) jigsaw puzzler. We trust an agreement has been reached that satisfies Chip Chirpwell and his associates.

  4. Love your beautiful flowers and the sunset! I totally understand puzzle addiction. My mom has it too!

  5. What a wonderful report Baby! Summers in NY sure are beautiful!!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. If two Princesses open a Doggie Yoga studio please reserve a place for me.
    I caught a rabbit having a meal on our liriope this week. I was not amused...but anything at ground level is their salad bar.
    Beautiful posies and OMDs that sky
    Hugs cecilia

  7. Hi!! Great report, Baby!! We giggled at Rosie's pose...and while we do see petcretary doping puzzles online, she never does them like your GW! Must be because in the past the kitties would try to 'help' her, LOL!

    I think the smoke from all those forest fires helps tp make such pretty suns and moons, here, too.

  8. This is a wonderful post, made me giggle. The last photo of puppy yoga would be a great puzzle.
