Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Too Hot! (And Bunnies Too)

 Hello everyone. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your over heated doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

It's 90º out here! 

We should go back inside the house where it's air conditioned!

Ah! That's better! I shall continue my report from here.

My ghostwriter said that she's been seeing a big fat bunny in the neighbors' yards in the past week. I decided to do some sniffing around today to see if I could find him. While I didn't see the bunny, I did find some piles of bunny poop (or to some doggies: Cocoa Puffs.)  

For a long time we've wondered why the Secret Bunny Militia would make any effort to trespass in our back yard, which has a fence all around, and has been clearly marked with years of doggie pee. We concluded that they must have some kind of coming of age ritual that involves accomplishing a death-defying feat, such as a high speed chase involving a cocker spaniel, while trying desperately to remember where the heck you got into said cocker spaniel's yard in the first place!  

May I remind you that this cocker spaniel has actually caught quite a few bunnies over the last several years. I always proudly presented my prize catches to my ghostwriter, who gratefully praised my excellent cocker spaniel hunting skills. 

What's that? You really didn't want me to catch those bunnies?

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.

I happen to have the best hunting record of all the cocker spaniels who have ever lived at this house, if I must say so myself! 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Look Up, Look Down

 Hello everybody! This is The Daily Bone and I'm your friendly doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

We've had a lot of big changes in the weather lately. Earlier this week there was a huge storm that blew down trees and branches, and knocked out power in some places.

Another night we watched as distant lightning lit up the clouds with purple dragons.

And a cute little raccoon waving hello?

So anyway, it's time to do some looking around in my backyard!

Hey look at these little plants growing between the house and the pavers. 

Oh and there's a baby evergreen tree growing in a random flower pot!

But then we heard a helicopter flying over, and took a quick snap shot. Please click on the picture below, and enlarge it to see the military Chinook helicopter on the upper left, and the insect flying by on the lower right corner of this photo. We were super surprised to catch a picture like this!

Wow! The moon put on a show for the last few nights too.

In other news, my kitty cat cousins, Tibie (aka Tiberius) and Hanni (aka Hannibal) have a red tailed hawk family nesting near their home in the city. 

You may think that's amazing, but not if you're the neighbor's kitty cat who happened to be in the hawk's line of sight! 


We're going to look at some more flowers.

We've got some more clouds moving in now, and it's supposed to rain.

Good night.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Summer Time

 Hello everyone! I'm your diligent doggie reporter Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

We're having some really summery weather here in WNY. Flowers are blooming like crazy, and Dad has to mow the lawn once a week with the gigantic monster noisy scary roaring dragon riding mower machine thing. 

My ghostwriter, who always seems to have her head in the clouds saw this amazing sight yesterday:

A complete halo around the sun! (The straight line is from a jet flying way up high.) She says a halo around the sun usually means stormy weather is coming. 

Sure enough, today it clouded up, and it's raining.

But that's OK with us. I'll just take a nap, while ghostwriter gets ready for work. 

Hope you all have a good weekend! 

Here are some of our flowers:


Friday, June 11, 2021


 Greetings everyone! This is The Daily Bone and I'm your doggie reporter Chester L.  W. Spaniel. 

We have some real summer weather here in WNY complete with heat,  humidity, and passing cloudbursts. Thank goodness for air conditioning! We still have some wonderful flowers. 

The skies have been spectacular too.

And the angry crazy red cardinal is still dive bombing his reflection in our dining room window!

Damn the torpedoes!

 Good grief!