Thursday, November 7, 2019

First Snow

Greetings everyone. This is The Daily Bone and I'm your enthusiastic doggie reporter 
Chester L. W. Spaniel. 

Look look look lookie look! It snowed today! It started around noon and stopped about 3pm. We used our "look up, look down," strategy for finding the nicest pictures in our yard.

Look up at the beautiful trees through the snow-coated bushes! Look down at frosted chives.

Look up at the pretty red berries of the burning bush under a blanket of snow.

Look down at a lichen covered rock surrounded by fluffy white.

Despite the covering of snow, we still found some vibrant Fall colors.

Our garden Buddha had a blanket of golden leaves, under a canopy of sedum.

I'm wondering how long this snow will last.

By 5 o'clock the clouds were clearing and the sunshine was peeking through.

A little later the snow clouds slid away to the east.

Then the moon came up.

See you  later!


  1. We had snow too, but not nearly enough to stick! Might be different over the next few days, though...
    Your pictures are so pretty!

  2. That is the amount of snow I like. Just enough to make everything look pretty.

  3. Your snow is so beautiful on your autumn leaves and plants, Chester!

    1. Thank you for letting us know that the green bug was a katydid!

  4. We were so happy to see our first snow too Chester. It always makes us do the zoomies!

  5. Chester thank you and GW for this most enjoyable 'white' post. OMDs the photo of those red berries covered with snow is breathtaking. I say enlarge and frame it.

    Here's to a good weekend for you all

    1. That's what I was gonna bark! Frame that one! Just bootifur.

  6. We keep our snow up in the mountains where snow belongs until someone invents warm snow.

  7. Where are your boots?
    Your ear muffs?
    Your scarf?
    Pretty pictures, but aren't you c-c-cold?

  8. The first snow is always so beautiful!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  9. Up, down, and all around - your snow is gorgeous! Woot!

    Love and licks,

  10. We too love the one with the red berries!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  11. Yuppers, it's final, you gots to gets that berry pic framed! Ooooo, it would make a FABulous Christmas card!!!!
    Thanks for the winter sneak peek Chester!
    Ruby ♥

  12. We had snow on Halloween and are supposed to get some more tomorrow. I love rolling in it. My sister Larelei just snoots it.

    Abby Lab

  13. Dear Chester,

    You have SNOW!!!!! I am very jealous! I LOVE snow! We do not have any. We even went up a very big mountain, and it is still too warm and there is no snow. Please send me some. If your person gets a box, you can pack it full and ship it to ME, Jacobi, in the cabin with no snow yet, on the big island on the west coast, Canada. Thank you! I can't wait until it comes!

    Also, your photos are very beautiful. I will remember to sniff up and sniff down next time it snows too! Have fun with your SNOW!!!


  14. Red berries look so pretty!! We're expecting 10-15cm of snow by midnight and I guess you're having the similar weather. I hope your ghostwriter doesn't have to work till late today. Stay warm and safe Chester and family!

    Pinot xo

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